Gérard Bertrand - Cigalus 75cl Cigalus 75cl

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43,90 CHF

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Domaine Cigalus enjoys a hot, sunny Mediterranean climate ensuring early ripening of all the grape varieties. This arid climate is offset by the very deep soils which store the winter rains for longer but which are less fertile due to the presence of a slightly chalky sandstone in the subsoil, dating back to the Campanian. Grape varieties: Cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, merlot, syrah, grenache and caladoc. The images of the Products and any packaging (if applicable) on our Website are for illustrative purposes only. Although we have made every effort to display the colours accurately, we cannot guarantee that your computer's display of the colours accurately reflect the colour of the Products and/or packaging. The Products may vary slightly from those images.

Gérard Bertrand Cigalus, online kaufen und Gérard Bertrand in den Läden am Flughafen Zurich abholen. In den Läden des Flughafens finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Cigalus sowie andere Produkte rund um Schönheit, Essen und Trinken. Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Gérard Bertrand Produkte, die Sie am Flughafen Zurich kaufen und vorbestellen können.

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